Contact Us
We encourage your comments...
There is a specific time set aside at each meeting for public communication to the board. At that time, interested people may present comments, suggestions or concerns, even if they are not on the agenda. However, an item must be included on the agenda before the board can officially take action.
If you wish to comment at board meetings...
Individuals or groups who wish to comment on an item on the agenda or an item not on the agenda should complete the form located on the table at the back of the room and give the form to the board president prior to the meeting. The president will call on you at the appropriate time.
If you wish to e-mail the Board of Directors...
Individuals may e-mail the Board at this address:
The following are your board of Directors:

Board President - Meghan Dowd-Robbins

Board Vice-President - Christie Kessel

Dave Eastburn

Mark Porter

Mark Thornton

Tai Ward