Due to current and predicted weather conditions, Fairfield Schools will be running on a 2-hour late start schedule for Friday, February 17th.
almost 2 years ago, FCSD
late Start
Trojan Head
Hello Everyone, In the late fall, the FHS League of Legends team placed 2nd in the state.  On March 3rd, the FHS Rocket League team will enter the state tournament as the #2 Seed. The Trojan Esports store is now open beginning today and will remain open until 2/21/23 to order your state qualifier shirts.  The shirts that are ordered will be delivered to the schools by 3/2 so that you can wear your support our our esports athletes on Friday the 3rd for their state tournament appearance. Our fall fan shirt is also available in the store once again! #OneFairfield #WTB https://topdogscreenprinting.com/all-products/ols/categories/trojan-esports
almost 2 years ago, FHS Esports
State Front
State Back
Fall Fan Shirt
Today, there was a gas leak detected at Washington Elementary School this morning. The staff and students were safely and immediately evacuated from the building and then moved by bus to the high school. Alliant Energy came on site and helped to repair the leak and make sure the school was safe for staff and students to return. After returning to the school, classes resumed as normal. Dismissals at the end of the school day will operate as regularly planned.
almost 2 years ago, John Grunwald
Due to weather conditions, Fairfield Schools are on a 2-hour delay.
almost 2 years ago, FCSD
Trojan Head
In 2021, Fairfield Community School District asked voters for a new $30 million Middle School building, and the voters did not support it. The district listened to voters and re-evaluated the process to look at a long-range plan for the district. A facilities assessment was completed in 2020, and the district partnered with the architect firm FEH Design. FEH Design then reviewed the assessment. The assessment identified that hundreds of thousands of dollars need to be invested into each of the four school buildings for maintenance, safety, and ADA requirements. The district recruited a community advisory task force to look at long-term visions for the district’s facilities. The school board wants to make wise decisions that align with the community's long-term visions and financial capabilities so funding is not expended in a short-sighted way. Please take a few minutes to respond to this important survey. https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/FCSDcommsurvey
almost 2 years ago, FCSD
Your Voice Matters
Due to foggy conditions, Fairfield Schools will run classes on a one hour delay.
almost 2 years ago, FCSD
Trojan head
Fairfield Community School District will dismiss school at 10:00 this morning, January 11, 2023. Pence Elementary is without electricity due to an Alliant transformer. Alliant will work on the system today, and school will resume tomorrow. All schools will be dismissed in the district. After-school activities are as scheduled at the high school. Middle School activities and practices are canceled. There will be no after-school program at Washington, Pence, or Homework club at the middle school.
almost 2 years ago, FCSD
Trojan Logo
Free/Reduced Meal Applications can still be submitted for the '22-'23 school year. Visit the ACT to fill out an application or visit our website to download, print, fill out complete with signatures on front and back and turn into the ACT. Or you can scan and email it to fcsdfoodservice@fairfieldsfuture.org. If your student(s) has already qualified for this school year, you do not need to submit another application for this school year. Also, if your income changes at any time, you may reapply. If you are unsure if you should fill out an application, contact Stephanie Hawkins at (641) 472-2655 ext 6703 or stephanie.hawkins@fairfieldsfuture.org.
almost 2 years ago, Alicia Whalen
Free/Reduced Meal Application Reminder
Due to predicted weather conditions, FCSD is cancelling classes for Thursday, Dec. 22, 2022.
almost 2 years ago, FCSD
Blizzard Pic
ACT Holiday Hours
almost 2 years ago, Chris Willmon
ACT Holiday Hours
*****SPARK UPDATE***** ​The spark sessions have completed, but if you were not able to attend, you can see all of the work that was done and designs that were created at the following address: https://fehdesignsparks.com/fa... *****SPARK UPDATE*****
about 2 years ago, FCSD
Trojan Head
FHS Esports is playing in the state championship game tomorrow night!! Come and meet the players, learn about the game, and watch the first esports state appearance in history!! For more info, click this link: https://www.fairfieldsfuture.org/article/919426 #OneFairfield
about 2 years ago, FHS Esports
Good News
esports logo
Toinght's Spark Session Presentation has been moved from the ACT to the high school commons. The session will still take place at 6:00 PM, however it will be in the new location. The regular Spark session will still take place during the day at the ACT Boardroom.
about 2 years ago, FCSD
Spark Session Info
6:00 Spark session moved to the high school commons.
about 2 years ago, FCSD
spark session
Shout out to our middle school students for giving ideas and thoughts about new facilities for FCSD! Great work students and great work, Mr. Blakely for arranging for the students to be a part of a larger plan!
about 2 years ago, FCSD
MS students attend the spark sessions
This is just a friendly reminder from FCSD that the Spark Sessions will begin at 10:00 am today in the Boardroom at the ACT, located at 403 S. 20th St. Come share your ideas and help influence the future vision of your district. #OneFairfield
about 2 years ago, FCSD
Spark Session Info
FCSD would like to remind you of the Spark Sessions coming up on Monday and Tuesday at the ACT Building. Come meet with the design firm and let your voice and ideas be heard and considered. Visit https://www.fairfieldsfuture.org/ for more information #OneFairfield
about 2 years ago, FCSD
Spark Session Information
Don't forget the Spark Sessions coming this Monday and Tuesday. Come and ask questions and share your ideas on the needs for our facilities as we look to the future. https://www.fairfieldsfuture.org/article/910144 For more info on our current buildings, click here: https://www.fairfieldsfuture.org/article/911016
about 2 years ago, FCSD
Don't forget
Spark Info
Families please be mindful that it is much colder today than yesterday. Dress your student appropriately for outside recess.
about 2 years ago, Tina Townsend
Just a friendly reminder the PTO fundraiser donuts are available for pick up at the ACT from 7:00 am to 9:00 am
about 2 years ago, Tina Townsend